First off, on behalf of all the staff here at Laser Tag Pro we would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are truly appreciative that you have chosen us to be your laser tag equipment provider. You have been very supportive and have provided us with great feedback. Thank you!
Laser Tag Pro Recap 2014
2014 was exciting year and brought about many positive changes for our organization. It started with moving our operations from a 1,600 sq.ft. office-space to a larger 13,000 sq.ft. building where we constructed a Laser Tag Pro powered arena and testing facility. From there we brought on key personnel, adding Joe McGeorge (Chief of Operations) and laser tag extraordinaire Zach Dickerson (Chief Engineer). For those of you who worked with Jeremy Brown, he has moved on to a new position or as I prefer to say… the Colonel is M.I.A. (Missing in Action). His services were appreciated and we wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Laser Tag Pro continues to progress, sales are growing along with our popularity as we penetrate new and existing markets. This growth has helped us to constantly expand and improve our products. The Battle Rifle Pro received an infusion of code to support stability and add functionality. Abilities such as primary and secondary weapons, special weapon types, and better admin controls have helped to make our equipment the most feature rich units you can buy. We also introduced a new tagger to the family called the Battle Rifle XL that has a larger body, adjustable stock, and unique reloading system. The Utility Box saw improvements too, becoming one of the most useful accessories for your laser tag business. Our crowning jewel, EDGE, received a great deal of attention and development as it stands to become an extremely robust game-engine and software-application for the purposes of laser tag! Last year’s success provided us the momentum we needed to expand our product line. We overcame challenges, improved our equipment, extended our reach, and helped to push the industry forward.
Shaking Up the Laser Tag Industry in 2015
We at Laser Tag Pro believe that 2015 will be the most exciting year yet. Our WiFi software, EDGE, is on track to release during the first quarter. EDGE will truly empower your business to create the most exciting laser tag game imaginable. You will also see the release of our unique mobile application called CallSign which will add social and player interfacing elements to the game. On the hardware side, we have 2 new units for your armories that are in different phases of production. One being a metal/plastic hybrid and the other is a SECRET! If I told you I would have to…..! I won’t share those details yet but we will prove again why Laser Tag Pro is one of the most exciting manufacturers in the industry.
Each individual at Laser Tag Pro is hard at work everyday. We have become the fastest growing company in our space. You have made it possible by your support for us and the success you have made with your own business. I feel blessed to work with each and everyone of our business owners and look forward strengthening our bond as partners moving forward. Make 2015 your best year yet!
Moving Forward,
Aaron Fischer
CEO of Laser Tag Pro